Snack Board: Luxe Date Night Edition

dating entertaining Mar 16, 2023
Luxe Charcuterie Snack Board for Date Night

Ladies and gentlethem, are you ready to indulge in a feast for the senses? Do you want to impress your date with a stunning spread of meats, cheeses, and snacks? Then you've come to the right place. Today, I’m going to reveal the secrets to assembling a decadent, luxe charcuterie and snack board that will take your date night at home to the next level.



  1. Bleu cheese stuffed olives - These little bursts of flavor will have your taste buds singing.
  2. Salami - Choose a variety of salami, such as soppressata, prosciutto, or spicy salami.
  3. Cheese - Pick a selection of soft and hard cheeses. Some delicious options include brie, cheddar, gouda, and goat cheese.
  4. Crackers - Choose a mix of plain and flavored crackers to pair with your cheese and meats.
  5. Fresh fruit - Add some color and sweetness with fresh grapes, berries, or figs.
  6. Dried fruit - Dried apricots, figs, and cranberries are the perfect complement to your cheese and meats.
  7. Chocolate - Nothing says indulgence like a little bit of chocolate. Choose dark chocolate or chocolate-covered almonds for a decadent treat.
  8. Honey - Drizzle a little bit of honey over your cheese and fruit for a touch of sweetness.
  9. Jam - A spoonful of fig or berry jam pairs perfectly with your cheese and crackers.
  10. Marcona almonds - These Spanish almonds are larger and sweeter than regular almonds, and they add a delicious crunch to your board.
  11. Grilled vegetables - Grilled artichokes, peppers, and zucchini are a tasty addition to your spread.
  12. Sliced cured meats - Add some variety to your board with sliced cured meats like prosciutto, coppa, or mortadella.
  13. Smoked salmon - For a note of sophistication, add some smoked salmon to your board. It pairs perfectly with soft cheeses and crackers and adds a shock off beautiful color.
  14. Roasted nuts - Roasted almonds, cashews, or pistachios will add a savory flavor and crunch to your board.
  15. Hummus - A bowl of hummus with some pita chips or breadsticks is a great addition for sone thing creamy and can be a vehicle for a unique burst of flavor (I love Boar’s Head Pepperhouse Hummus).
  16. Pickles - Pickled cucumbers or carrows add a tangy and refreshing flavor to your board. 
  17. Cherry tomatoes - Add some juicy, sweet cherry tomatoes for a pop of color and flavor.
  18. Crostini - Serve some toasted bread slices with garlic, olive oil, and sea salt for a crunchy, garlicky bite.
  19. Chocolate-covered strawberries - Finish off your board with some decadent chocolate-covered strawberries for a sweet, romantic touch. Even if you opt out of the chocolate bit, have at least two strawberries on had for uncorking your champagne. It really does bring out the flavors of your champagne. 


Now, all that's left to do is pour a glass of dry champagne, light some candles, and enjoy your luxurious charcuterie and snack board with your special someone. Bon appétit!

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