It's almost Valentine's Day, and you know what that means.
...nothing. Not really. It's just a day.
But then again, so is the Winter Solstice, and I celebrate that, so the whole "it's just a day" bit is a little tenuous.
While I do not participate in the big commercial aspect of V-Day, because I have to be frugal as a single mom and because my boyfriend could not give less of a fuck, I do li...

This week brings Valentine's Day, and this is a day that people have big feelings around--they love it, they hate it, they hate that they love it, it's a whole thing.
Valentine's Day is a wonderful opportunity to do something sweet (ha!) for yourself, regardless of who else is around to otherwise celebrate or commemorate you.
Taking care of yourself helps you not depend entirely on others for...

Dear Friend,
As the days slowly lengthen and we move closer to spring, I wanted to share with you a little history about Imbolc, one of my favorite seasonal festivals deeply rooted in Scottish tradition. Imbolc, celebrated around February 1st, marks the halfway point between the winter solstice and the spring equinox. It’s a time to honor Brigid, the goddess of poetry, fertility, and healing, a...
The Sursie